Janine Marin - communications expert
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How to manage negative comments on your social media page with less risk and less stress

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We’ve introduced a new form of consulting that’s going to blow you away – it’s now a service that keeps on giving.

I’m going to be brutally honest with you – and you may not like it – you’ve been missing out on getting the most value for money from consultants. Does this sound familiar: you’ve been hiring consultants to help market your business and they talk in language you don’t understand and once the job is done you don’t hear from them. Just like a magic trick, they wow you, and then poof they’re gone.

Don’t you wish your employees could learn from consultants, so they become more self-sufficient with marketing your business?

Well, now you can – with us. We believe knowledge empowers. Rather than just do the work and walk away, we consult and coach you on what you need to know so you, your team and business are armed with the knowledge, skills and confidence to make the best decision for your organisation.

We are constantly curious, so we live and breathe learning and innovating. If we succeed, you succeed, so we work hard to be subject matter experts in social media, communications and digital impact.


Rather than offer you everything under the ‘marketing sun’, we offer you what we do best:

Social media:

  • Social strategy creation and implementation
  • Social Advertising
  • Social media policy and/or procedures creation and implementation
  • E-learning modules
  • Content strategy
  • Staff training (with tailored courses for exec’s/senior management)
  • Social media management
  • Ad hoc consultation


  • Copywriting, proofreading and editing website, blog and email content
  • Content strategy for online and offline channels
  • Storytelling to grow your brand’s relevance and reach
  • Staff training on content marketing
  • strategically repurpose existing content, so past work isn’t wasted and to minimise your cost.


  • [NEW] Effective Workplace Communications Training:
    • English writing recap – refresher on basic grammar and punctuation.
    • Technical business writing – how to write emails, reports and more.
    • Custom templates for proposal, design briefs and more.

Not in Sydney? No worries, mate! Using the latest video conferencing technology and communications tools, there ain’t no mountain high, no valley low, nor river too wide enough to keep Janinemarin.com.au for partnering with you!


Contact Janine Today