Janine Marin - communications expert

Goal Planning for Women in Marketing and Communications

Imagine it’s 31 December, 2018 – what would your career look like? Would it be the same as it was in 2017? More importantly, do you want it to be?

Working in marketing and communications AND being female is tough. You have to deal with:

  • Lack of time and resource to learn the latest marketing trends
  • Being overlooked for promotions
  • Dealing with the ‘boys club’

If you want your marketing career to improve in 2018, this is where goal-planning comes in.

Call me crazy but I’m an avid goal-planner using this technique and i’ve seen results. Let’s dig into some science here to show you why we need goals to succeed: According to the research of psychologists, neurologists, and other scientists, setting a goal invests ourselves into the target as if we’d already accomplished it. Apparently, the brain cannot distinguish between things we want and things we have. Neurologically, then, our brains treat the failure to achieve our goal the same way as it treats the loss of a valued possession. And up until the moment the goal is achieved, we have failed to achieve it, setting up a constant tension that the brain seeks to resolve. The only way to resolve this tension, then, is to achieve the goal.

If you consider yourself a career woman who wants to make 2018 the year she lands that dream leadership role, earns what she’s worth (finally) and grows her influence in the industry, you have one job to do and that’s goal planning.

Goal Planning for Women in Marketing and Communications

Did you know approximately 80 percent of corporate workers never set goals for themselves. Even more surprising, of the 20 percent of the population that does set goals, roughly 70 percent fail to achieve the goals they have set for themselves.

Achieving a career goal isn’t easy. How often have you had a goal, started working towards and then quit quicker than you can say ‘Chris Hemsworth is the ultimate dreamboat’.

Ask yourself: do you want your career in 2018 to be the same as it was in 2017?

Setting goals is the first step to set yourself up for career success

goal setting for women in marketing and communications

Blogger Declan Wilson agrees, saying a goal is like an apple –

An apple is only good and nutritious in the present, not in the future. The same phenomena happens when we think about goals. The longer we prolong them, the more mould appears. Every excuse, every distraction, every obstacle grows out of proportion the longer you wait to go after a goal.

In this 45-minute webinar you’ll learn:

  • Techniques to set goals properly, so that you achieve your marketing career goals in less time and with maximum results.
  • How to avoid the common goal habit of ‘set and forget’.
  • Overcome your fear of failing or success.
  • Introduce strategies that trick your brain into taking consistent action towards your marketing goals.
  • How to create your 90-day marketing career goal in your own template (given during webinar)

Join Janine and other like-minded career women in marketing and communications on Tuesday, 23 January at 12:30pm and make 2018 the year of  your marketing career SUCCESS!

REGISTER HEREhttp://bit.ly/2hHZplN

What some have said:

“Janine is the perfect mentor and role model for any working woman. Having to deal with workplace barriers can filter through your psyche, you begin to question your abilities. Working with Janine will give you that instant boost and motivation. Her professional manner, own life experiences, practical advice and workplace tips will give you the confidence to tackle challenges and take the next step in your career, something that has been simmering for some time.

I greatly appreciate Janine’s advice and have put in place her practical strategies. If you are looking for a mentor or someone to guide you through the next stage of your career, I highly recommend you give Janine a call.”

~ Helen
Mentee |Brand and PR practitioner


“I value the expertise and knowledge from experiences Janine Marin has shared with me as a mentor. She has proven anecdotes and skills to deal with all career challenges for the working woman. From tips and tricks to complete duties and excel in the industry, to ideas on how to build confidence and achieve work-based goals. I would highly recommend Janine’s services to any working woman.”

~ Morgan
Mentee | Communications and Marketing Officer


“My first 10 minutes with Janine was so inspiring. Her coaching skills and expertise in the marketing world were ingenious! I highly recommend her services to budding young female entrepreneurs, you won’t be disappointed!”

~ Gennia,
Mentee | Entrepreneur

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