Janine Marin - communications expert
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Would you like to:
Partner with specialists who’ve worked in your industry, understand your challenges and speak your language?
Partner with people who don’t have government experience and risk your needs being lost in translation?

Having worked in local and state governments, I understand the challenges you face. Lack of: resources, trained staff, innovative technology and big budget are common factors that hinder standout communications and customer engagement online. I’ve been there. I get it.

The good news? We can help.

We’re a team of experienced communications officers specialising in helping government departments make a positive impact online

How do we do this? Due to our extensive experience in government agencies, we have developed specialised skills and expertise in:

— Re-engineering community engagement in the digital age
— Strengthening brand positioning and presence online
— Training staff on social media governance, evaluation and reporting
— Aligning the public sector’s positioning online to match community needs
— Optimising resources in absence of a big budget
— Reskilling staff to become champions of change
— Crafting agile and robust strategies and plans for policy consulting

We have more than 10 years experience working in government agencies and we want you to use our expertise to your advantage.

Did you know the majority of business research takes place online and this includes searching through social media avenues?

“As customers increasingly continue to demand and expect the same service offerings from the public sector as they do from commercial businesses, government organisations must transform and innovate service offerings to remain relevant to customers in a digital world.” Digital Disruption, Government 2015

We’re not like other communications agencies because we offer a rich blend of consulting and coaching that delivers optimal long-term results. 

Imagine you work for a local council that needs a communications strategy that drives awareness of your event, builds community engagement or strengthens your presence online. Unlike other consultants, the expert team at JanineMarin.com.au will partner with you to not only create a five-star communications strategy but also coach you along the way, providing helpful and tailored resources, allowing your team to draw from our collective experience across various government sectors.

We are excited to see you, your staff and your business grow – are you ready to standout online?


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